
Marvel Comics is an American corporation

Marvel Comics, an American media and entertainment business commonly recognized as one of the industry’s “big two” publishers.

Marvel Comics, an American media and entertainment business commonly recognized as one of the industry’s “big two” publishers. Marvel Entertainment, its parent business, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Walt Disney Company. TMartin Goodman, a pulp magazine publisher, established the forerunner of Marvel Comics in 1939.

Goodman founded Timely Comics to capitalize on the rising popularity of comic books, particularly those depicting superheroes. Marvel Comics. 1 (cover-dated October 1939) was Timely’s debut comic book, and it featured numerous superhero characters, most notably the Human Torch and the Sub-Mariner. During comics’ “Golden Age” in the 1940s, Timely Comics debuted many superhero characters, most notably Captain America, who originally appeared in Captain America Comics no. 1. (March 1941).

Even before the United States entered World War II, famous figures frequently fought against the Nazis and the Japanese. As the 1940s drew to an end, superheroes fell out of favor with comic book consumers, and Timely discontinued their superhero publications in 1950. In 1951, Goodman established his distribution firm, Atlas Magazines, and Timely Comics became Atlas Magazines.

Though there was a brief attempt in resurrecting superheroes such as Captain America in 1953, Atlas’ production was primarily in other genres such as comedy, westerns, horror, war, and science fiction. By reintroducing superhero series with great economic success, rival firm DC Comics ushered in the so-called Silver Age of comics in 1956.
Atlas Comics was renamed Marvel Comics in the early 1960s. For many decades, Marvel and DC were the industry’s dominant forces. Marvel changed hands many times during the 1980s and 1990s until becoming a publicly traded corporation in 1991. Marvel Comics declared bankruptcy in 1996 due to questionable management decisions and a broader decline in the comic book business.

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