
Lok Sabha vs. Rajya Sabha

Lok Sabha vs. Rajya Sabha

Money Bills are only introduced in the Lok Sabha.

If there is a disagreement over whether a Bill is a Money Bill or not, the Speaker’s judgment is definitive. The Rajya Sabha cannot reject a Money Bill. It can only give suggestions, i.e., recommendations. The Lok Sabha may accept or leave all or some of Rajya Sabha’s recommendations. Everyday Bills can be added in either House.

In the event of a dispute between the two Houses, the bill is submitted to a joint session of both Houses. In this sense, it appears that the two homes have been placed on an equal basis. In reality, the Rajya Sabha is in a weaker position in this regard. Because the Rajya Sabha’s entire membership is less than half of the Lok Sabha’s overall strength, the Lok Sabha’s will would naturally prevail at a combined sitting.

Furthermore, the Speaker of the Lok Sabha presides over a combined session. Members of both Houses can ask ministers questions regarding the work of their ministries. They debate all issues of public concern. However, the Lok Sabha wields more significant influence than the Rajya Sabha in this case.

The Council of Ministers is exclusively accountable to the Lok Sabha. The Rajya Sabha lacks the authority to approve a motion expressing dissatisfaction with the Council of Ministers. The Constitution places Rajya Sabha on an equal footing with Lok Sabha in the following areas:

  • The Lok Sabha vs. Rajya Sabha election and impeachment of the President
  • Elimination of Supreme Court plus High Court Judges
  • The declaration of an Emergency
  • The promulgation of Ordinances
  • The adoption of Constitutional Amendments

The truth remains that the Rajya Sabha is inferior to the Lok Sabha. However, this does not imply that the Rajya Sabha has no function to perform in the governmental apparatus. Parliament is not formed by either House alone. The Parliament of India is made up of two Houses. Only if the Rajya Sabha approves a resolution to that effect may Parliament create new All India Services. 

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