
Water pollution, groundwater mineralization lowers water quality

Water pollution, groundwater mineralization lowers water quality

Groundwater pollution is typically irreversible, meaning it is difficult to recover the aquifer’s natural water quality once polluted

Industrial, household and agricultural pollutants are being added to water reservoirs at an alarming pace today. Groundwater pollution is typically irreversible, meaning it is difficult to recover the aquifer’s natural water quality once polluted. More groundwater mineralization lowers water quality, resulting in an unpleasant taste, odor, and increased hardness.

Even though the soil mantle through which water travels functions as an adsorbent, keeping a substantial portion of colloidal and soluble ions with its cation exchange capacity, groundwater is not completely free of the risk of chronic contamination.  We have long held the idea that groundwater, in general, is clean and safe to drink.

Being a result, this may appear as a shock to some individuals to find that any of the following sources may readily contaminate the influence of groundwater. Two examples of groundwater pollution may be used to understand the Love Canal event (1976-77) and arsenic poisoning in West Bengal (India).

Because the water undergoes natural filtering during percolation via the soil pores before being stored in the groundwater reservoir, groundwater quality is usually good, and it may be utilized safely without any expensive treatment. Furthermore, the groundwater is typically devoid of suspended pollutants and organic debris, both of which contribute to the growth of disease-causing microorganisms.

In some circumstances, depending on the geological formations with which the water comes into contact, groundwater may contain a high number of dissolved salts, minerals, gases, and so on, which may impart distinct flavor, odor, and specific qualities to the water such as hardness, etc. As a result, germs are less likely to contaminate groundwater. However, if groundwater becomes contaminated, its quality will deteriorate considerably.

This article is curated by Prittle Prattle News.

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